Friday, April 13, 2012

End of Semester Things

So far everything has been wrapping up nicely with this class. I was going over the syllabus to see how we've done with our learning outcomes and I forgot how many plays we've read over the semester, that was definitely fun to look back. Just some final thoughts to wrap up the semester....

Our "final trailer" ended up being an animated video about bringing technology into the classroom I thought it actually turned out pretty well and it is featured on the first shot of our Prezi. It was fun to film and I thought it worked out well to have a collaborative final trailer as it really captured what we were doing with our re-purposed content.

As I've been looking over the market study stuff I feel like the best measures of success are the videos and blogs I posted in our market study. Before I joined the class I was already a regular blogger and I'm always surprised to see just how much people interact with blogs and "follow" each other. The blogging community is huge. There's an interesting phenomenon, it is sort of like being a celebrity in sense, where once you build up following you somehow earn the right to say whatever you'd like about anything you'd like. Bloggers that build up an audience and then state their opinions about education, Shakespeare, teaching, etc. are more likely to be accepted because they already have that basic following. You could tell the videos were successful just based on the fact that they were part of a website that has hundreds of thousands of likes on Facebook and a website that can actually give the videos the views they're looking for. The makers of those videos are getting their ideas out in the world. That is what makes them successful.

Finally, as I've worked in this class I've come to a better definition of what I think a well-rounded education is. It's not just about choosing between digital media and the pages of a book, it's about finding the balance in education. It's about knowing when to use the internet and when to curl up with a book and be engulfed by every word. A well-rounded education means having the open-mind to learn about every type of teaching method and the discernment to know which is best for you personally. One of my professors was talking about how we can choose our own education and its true. We can tailor our schedules, our classes to our passions and strengths or potential strengths. Our education is in our hands and whether it is a professor pushing us or us pushing ourselves, we have the power to decide on making the most of our education. I think that, above anything else, is the most important thing I have learned in this class this semester.

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