Sunday, March 11, 2012


Okay, so I haven't put the how-to-teach-with-technology business together yet but that is one idea for a new medium for my paper to be put into. We're wanting to work on a step by step guide to teaching in a new age and with a new sort of student (aka the kind of student that is knows how to use a computer). I think it will be important to explain that we know not all students want to do their reading on a kindle and swap in their printed pages for web pages BUT there are ways to incorporate technology without digitally drenching every part of the class. I think the how-to guide should point this out.

Part two consists of putting together a video of students explaining what they want in a teacher slash a little segment of what students resort to when they don't have the sort of teacher they're looking for. For example, this would be the type of things people may say. (Also, these aren't all necessarily true of myself but are things that I've heard actual students say)

I bring my laptop to school so that I can play solitaire when class gets boring.
I check my Facebook in class.
I want a teacher that will start a class discussion and actually listen to what I'm saying.
I get A's without doing the reading.
There is nothing worse than realizing your professor is the type of teacher who just stands at the front of the class and talks for an hour.
I want a teacher who realizes that reading a book isn't just about understanding the text but being up to date with the conversation.
I want a teacher who will help me do more with my education.

These are just some examples and I'd love to hear about others that you may have. I haven't made a prototype video yet because I'm wondering what format you think would be most effective? How should this be done? I'd really love feedback on this :)

Also...research paper in 90 seconds should be in just a little while, keep an eye out for it.

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