Monday, February 13, 2012

Phase One

Progress Report

Exploration: Originally, the plan was to study parallels between Shakespeare and Beowulf  but the idea just didn't stick, I thought about looking more into the Shakespeare Apocrypha I found on the World Shakespeare Bibliography. And eventually decided to research more about Shakespeare in India

Textual Analysis: The above link has some textual analysis I did for the Beowulf idea. And this link has some as well.

Social Proof (finding): I've probably worked the most on this element because it is what's most out of my comfort zone. I went to the list of India's top 50 Universities and for the top five schools researched their English/Literature Department staff and found which Professors focus on Shakespeare and contacted them to ask how they do it. I emailed Professors from Stanford about a Shakespeare in Asia convention they had held. I also emailed a good friend of mine who is a retired professor in India.

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